By Danielle and Lahav, Ann Arbor ShinShinim
Danielle and Lahav came to Ann Arbor to create a deeper connection between the Ann Arbor Jewish community and Israel, through informal education and by bringing the Israeli atmosphere to Michigan – interactive lessons that include music, culture, Israeli childhood games and even food.
They arrived in Ann Arbor in August 2024 for a service year as Israeli emissaries between their high school graduation and military service through the ShinShinim program of the international Jewish Agency for Israel.
Welcoming Shabbat with USY
The past months have been full of meaningful experiences. In November, we joined a Friday night Shabbat gathering with the USY youth group of Beth Israel Congregation. It was a pleasure meeting local teens, enjoying a wonderful Shabbat atmosphere together, and connecting over shared traditions.
Teaching Israel’s History at HDS
At the Hebrew Day School (HDS), we marked November 29th (the day in 1947 of the UN Partition Plan – the UN’s vote on dividing Eretz Israel into two states) by leading a couple of classes. The first one was about Israel Belkind, one of the first pioneers to dream of and establish modern settlements anywhere in Israel. Then, together with the students, we discussed their dreams and how to achieve them. The second lesson was about the UN Partition Plan, exploring the complexities of dividing the map and the disagreements that followed the decision. Our key message was the importance of collaboration and sharing to achieve goals where everyone can succeed. We designed school bulletin boards on these topics and ended the day with a school-wide assembly featuring a performance about Israel’s establishment, where they met new immigrants and pioneers—including David Ben Gurion himself—and witnessed a historic UN vote. Afterward, the children received different pieces of maps of Israel, and thanks to their collaboration, we were able to create unique and original maps of the country.
Diversity and Inclusion at HDS
In December, our focus at HDS shifted to diversity and inclusion in Israeli society. We began by discussing how Israel takes the issue of individuals with disabilities seriously, with a strong awareness of the importance of special education classes and inclusion. Through a series of activities, neurotypical students explored how people with disabilities might feel, and brainstormed ways they can be supportive and inclusive in society and in their friend groups. We continued with classes about other diverse populations in Israel and their contributions to its vibrant society.
TBE – Hanukkah and the Israeli Diversity
At Temple Beth Emeth (TBE), we facilitated lessons in both the weekday and Sunday schools about Hanukkah traditions and the complexities within Israeli society, mirroring some of our lessons at HDS.
Music classes at ECC
Danielle continued her regular music classes at the ECC (Early Childhood Center of the JCC), enriching the children’s knowledge of Israeli songs through dance and singing. This month, she also taught them Hanukkah songs and sang a song with the kids during the weekly “Shabbat Singing” gathering of the ECC’s children and their parents.
Israeli Storytime
In November, we hosted our first Jewish Story time, which was a huge success! We followed up with another session in December, sharing Hanukkah stories and engaging the children with crafts and activities. This initiative, held at different branches of the Ann Arbor District Library, is for children aged 2–7. It will continue monthly, featuring new stories in Hebrew and English, along with related activities. We warmly invite you to join us on January 12 at the Malletts Creek library!
In our free time
In our free time, we’ve enjoyed many firsts: experiencing snow (the first of several now), celebrating Thanksgiving, and attending the Newsies musical at Pioneer High School with Sue Adler. Lahav and a ShinShinit based in Detroit also attended a performance by the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. We went to another Michigan football game, and Danielle’s father visited Ann Arbor, allowing us to share some of our experiences with him. During Winter Break, we spent time with our host families and ShinShinim from other cities across the country, making the most of this festive season.
Looking Ahead to 2025
Looking ahead, we are excited to continue learning, growing, and sharing Israel’s culture with the community, and we’re so excited for what the next year holds. You can stay updated with our journey on Instagram (@shinshinim_annarbor), where we post regularly about our activities. You can also reach out to us via email at and We’d love to hear from you and deepen the connection we’re building together!