The Eastern Michigan University Center for Jewish Studies Presents
The First Annual Martin B. Shichtman Lecture:
David I Kertzer, The Pope at War
Monday, September 19, 7:00 PM on Zoom (Register at:
Pulitzer Prize Award winning author David I. Kertzer will discuss his new book, The
Pope at War: The Secret History of Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler. Kertzer is Paul
Dupee University Professor of Social Science at Brown University, where he is also
Professor of Anthropology and Italian Studies. His book, The Pope and
Mussolini, was awarded the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Biography. The Kidnapping of
Edgardo Mortara, which he authored in 1997, was a finalist for the National Book
Award for Nonfiction. Kertzer was among the first scholars granted access to the
newly opened Vatican archives for the papacy of the controversial Pius XII. Kevin
Madigan, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Harvard University writes that
“This remarkably researched book is replete with revelations that deserve the
adjective ‘explosive’ . . . The Pope at War is a masterpiece.”
This event is free, but registration is necessary.
Register at: