Federation COVID policy for In-Person Gatherings
All in-person attendees must be fully vaccinated against COVID with at least one booster shot. Masks encouraged. If you have any symptoms, please stay home and join us on Zoom instead!
D’var Torah: Rabbi Will Keller & Rabba Yael Keller
Announcement of the Susan L. Lichter Memorial Endowed Israel Scholarship Awards
Celebration of Jewish Community Foundation and LIFE & LEGACY®
Appreciation of Outgoing Board Members: Babette Levy Daskin, Mike Davidoff, Hanna Goodstein, & Eiran Warner
Appreciation of Outgoing Jewish Young Professionals (JYP) Board Members
Approval of By-Law Amendment
Election of Board Members
Reflections: Randy Milgrom, Outgoing President
Installation of Jessica “Decky” Alexander as Federation President
Appreciation of Outgoing President Randy Milgrom
Remarks: Decky Alexander, President
Closing Remarks: Eileen Freed, Executive Director
Section 7.8: “More than One Person.” For all offices, except for the Executive Director, more than one person may be elected or appointed to the office. If more than one person is elected or appointed, those individuals will serve as co-officers for that position during their term of office. However, no more than two people can be elected or appointed to any office at any time.
Decky Alexander: President
Debra Chopp & Marla Linderman Richelew: Co-Vice Presidents
Joelle Abramowitz: Secretary
Marla Chinsky: Treasurer
Randy Milgrom: Immediate Past President
Jeremy Bloom: Planning & Allocations Chair
Joshua Sukenic: Campaign & Resource Development Chair
Susan Fisher
Marla Linderman Richelew
Murray Rebner
Rob Stern
Andy Tankanow
Debra Chopp
Julie Grand
Marty Shichtman
Annie Wolock