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JCC Book Festival

December 13, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST

Join the JCC for their 2021 Book Festival. 

Speaker: James McAuley

The House of Fragile Things:
Jewish Art Collectors and the Fall of France


In the dra­mat­ic years between 1870 and the end of World War II, a num­ber of promi­nent French Jews‚ pil­lars of an embat­tled com­mu­ni­ty‚ invest­ed their for­tunes in France’s cul­tur­al arti­facts, sac­ri­ficed their sons to the coun­try’s army, and were ulti­mate­ly reward­ed by see­ing their col­lec­tions plun­dered and their fam­i­lies deport­ed to Nazi con­cen­tra­tion camps.

In The House of Frag­ile Things, James McAuley explores the cen­tral role of art in the assim­i­la­tion and iden­ti­ty of French Jews in the fin-de-siè­cle. Based on pre­vi­ous­ly unex­ploit­ed pri­vate archives, the book tells the sto­ry of an inter­con­nect­ed set of fam­i­lies, some famil­iar from the nov­els of Proust and the diaries of the Goncourts: the Camon­dos, the Roth­schilds, the Reinachs, the Cahens d’An­vers. McAuley shows how Jew­ish art col­lec­tors con­tend­ed with a pow­er­ful strain of anti­semitism between the Drey­fus Affair and the Holo­caust: they were often accused of ​“invad­ing” France’s cul­tur­al pat­ri­mo­ny. The col­lec­tions these fam­i­lies left behind‚ many ulti­mate­ly donat­ed to the French state, were their response, trag­ic attempts to cel­e­brate a nation that lat­er betrayed them.

James McAuley is a Euro­pean affairs colum­nist for The Wash­ing­ton Post. He recent­ly com­plet­ed his doc­tor­ate in mod­ern his­to­ry at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Oxford, where he was a Mar­shall scholar.


December 13, 2021
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST
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