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JCC Book Festival

November 11, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EST

Join JCC Book Festival.

Speaker: Louie Kemp
Moderator: Sandor Slomovits

Dylan & Me: 50 Years of Adventures


This unique­ly inti­mate mem­oir of a life­long friend­ship with Bob Dylan offers nev­er-before-told sto­ries, behind-the-scenes glimpses, rare pho­tos, and affec­tion­ate anec­dotes about one of the key fig­ures in Amer­i­can music and let­ters. With a cast of char­ac­ters that includes Mar­lon Bran­do, Cher, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Den­nis Hop­per, Louie’s moth­er, and many more, Dylan & Me is the ulti­mate rock-and-roll biog­ra­phy – a ​“back­stage pass” to Louie and Bob’s life, friend­ships, and music by the guy who was there every step of the way.

Louie Kemp was born in Duluth, Min­neso­ta. Short­ly before grad­u­at­ing col­lege, he left school to take over his father’s Lake Supe­ri­or fish busi­ness, expand­ing it into Alas­ka and mak­ing it one of the most suc­cess­ful seafood oper­a­tions in the coun­try. His 350-foot moth­er­ship, the M/V Bering Trad­er, was the largest-capac­i­ty seafood proces­sor in Alaskan waters in its day. An ancil­lary enter­prise, the Louis Kemp Seafood Com­pa­ny, helped cre­ate the thriv­ing mar­ket for imi­ta­tion King Crab in the Unit­ed States. Louie pro­duced Bob Dylan’s leg­endary Rolling Thun­der Revue tours and trav­eled with him all over the world as a trust­ed ally and friend. As a respect­ed and devout mem­ber of the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty, Louie is the ​“father” of Aish Ha Torah’s Dis­cov­ery Pro­gram, attend­ed by more than 500,000 peo­ple world­wide, and the founder of Chabad of Pacif­ic Pal­isades, Cal­i­for­nia. Most mean­ing­ful to him of all, he is the proud father of six great chil­dren and five grand­chil­dren‚ and count­ing. He lives in Los Ange­les, California.


November 11, 2021
8:00 am - 5:00 pm EST