Did you know that the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor gives more than a million dollars to local and international Jewish communal organizations every year? In 2022, that amount surpassed $1.5 million and represented the greatest sum given out in more than a decade!

If you’ve ever wondered how this happens, we’ve got answers for you!

Where did that $1.5 million come from?

From our generous community! Every year, volunteers and staff of the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor work to raise money through the Annual Community Campaign. The 2023 Annual Community Campaign began last September and is currently in full swing, thanks to the generosity of hundreds of members of the greater Ann Arbor Jewish community. You, too, can contribute at JewishAnnArbor.org. Every gift of $18 or $1800 matters!

Who decides where the money goes?

Volunteers from our community! (Are you sensing a theme yet?) Every year, two groups of volunteer Allocations Committees (one local & domestic and one for Israel & Overseas), plus the Federation’s Board of Directors (again, volunteers), consider proposals from organizations that provide essential services to the Jewish community.

What’s the money for?

Funds go directly to local and international organizations that enrich Jewish life and care for Jews most in need, as well as to community-wide initiatives that make Jewish Washtenaw County as strong and vibrant as it can be. For Federation’s beneficiary partners, these are funds that they don’t have to worry about raising themselves, allowing them instead to focus on the work they do best for our community.

Have I heard of any of these beneficiaries or initiatives?

Probably some of them! Jewish Family Services and the JCC receive allocations from the Annual Community Campaign, among many other local institutions. So does Krembo Wings, a youth movement in Israel for young people of all abilities. Examples of initiatives made possible by the campaign are the first-ever community demographic survey (currently in progress), and coordination to take collective local action combating antisemitism.

When does all this happen?

Organizations seeking funding submit proposals that are reviewed in April each year. The Allocations Committees make funding recommendations for the year to the Board of Directors, which votes to approve the recommendations at the monthly Board meeting in May. An announcement of the year’s allocations is made to the entire community at the Annual Meeting in late May or early June.

I want to learn more / I might want to be part of this process?

Great! The more diverse volunteer voices, the better for our community. Visit JewishAnnArbor.org/about-us/community-impact to learn more or contact Federation’s Community Relations Manager McKenzie Katz at mckenzie@jewishannarbor.org to get involved.