ORT Book Group

Jewish Community Center of Ann Arbor 2935 Birch Hollow Drive, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

The ORT Book Group meets on the third Wednesday of the month (barring complications). For information about membership or to see the list of books we are reading, check the website. Some months, particularly in the winter, we meet on ZOOM. Membership in ORT is required. The website is ortannarbor.org.

Event Series ORT Movie Group

ORT Movie Group

ORT MOVIE GROUP on ZOOM We meet on the second Sunday of the month at 4PM.      The group is open to all ORT members and there is a donation of      $25 to ORT for the Movie Group. Members receive the zoom link the day of the meeting.      For more information, check […]

ORT Book Group

Jewish Community Center of Ann Arbor 2935 Birch Hollow Drive, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

The ORT Book Group meets on the third Wednesday of the month (barring complications). For information about membership or to see the list of books we are reading, check the website. Some months, particularly in the winter, we meet on ZOOM. Membership in ORT is required. The website is ortannarbor.org.