UM Frankel Center Lecture – Josh Lambert

Thayer Building - Room 2022 202 South Thayer St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

"Can a Literary Mafia Affect Your Choice of Books?": Jews, Publishing, and American Literature Josh Lambert, Wellesley College   In the 1960s and 1970s, many American authors, Jewish and non-Jewish alike, complained about a “Jewish literary mafia.” While perniciously circulating antisemitic ideas, such claims also reflected the remarkable success of Jews in the U.S. publishing […]


UM Frankel Center Event – Todd Endelman

Thayer Building - Room 2022 202 South Thayer St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

A Jewish Race Scientist in Twentieth-Century Britain Todd M. Endelman, Professor Emeritus of History and Judaic Studies, University of Michigan This lecture will explore how Redcliffe Salaman, an eminent Jewish scientist in early twentieth-century Britain, embraced a racial understanding of Jewish peoplehood and how he developed a biological history of the Jews. It will emphasize […]


The Society of Savage Jews: The Politics of Jewish Primitivism

Thayer Building - Room 2022 202 South Thayer St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Samuel J. Spinner The unlikely poetic relationship between the German poet Else Lasker-Schüler and the Yiddish and Hebrew poet Uri Zvi Grinberg spans the political range of Jewish primitivism from the bohemian left to the radical right. Aesthetic primitivism catalyzed Lasker-Schüler’s poetry and visual art and is most strikingly evident in the “Society of Savage […]
